• Übersetzt mit deepl.com

    First of all, I want to thank you for the opportunity to learn from everyone! My plans are earlier, I saw the possibility of having a house in a 4x4 truck, I am at the beginning of the economy and I am taking advantage of an experience gained here that can help me to make fewer mistakes... Again, many thanks and apologies for the spelling mistakes. I am Brazilian, I don't speak German, but the will to learn overcomes this linguistic barrier.

    Primeiramente, quero agradecer a oportunidade de aprender com todos! Meus planos são mais cedo, via a possibilidade de ter uma casa em um caminhão 4x4, estou no início da economia e estou aproveitando uma experiência adquirida aqui que pode me ajudar a cometer menos erros... Novamente Mais uma vez, muito obrigado e peçonhento desculpas pelos erros de ortografia. Sou Brasileiro, não falo alemão, mas a vontade de aprender supera essa barreira linguística.:):)

  • Olá!

    Schön dass Du uns gefunden hast, leider sprech ich kein Portugiesisch und hier im Forum haben wir uns geeinigt dass nur Deutsch und Englisch geschrieben werden soll, sonst ist es für uns Moderatoren kaum möglich die Übersicht zu behalten.

    Sprichst Du Englisch?

    Google Translate:

    Que bom que você nos encontrou, infelizmente eu não falo português e aqui no fórum concordamos que apenas alemão e inglês devem ser escritos, caso contrário, dificilmente nós moderadores podemos acompanhar.

    Você fala inglês?

  • dentro das minhas possibilidades, usar o inglês para se comunicar. Obrigado por me aceitar aqui! _/\ _


    Deepl.com Translation

    im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten Englisch zur Kommunikation zu verwenden. Danke, dass Sie mich hier aufgenommen haben!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Odi (9. Mai 2022 um 21:37) aus folgendem Grund: Por favor escreva aqui em inglês ou alemão. Google Translate ou deepl.com podem ajudar com a tradução. Obrigado

  • Ist es wirklich so schwer sich an die Bitte zu halten in Deutsch oder Englisch zu schreiben?

    Im Notfall selber den googel-Übersetzer bemühen und nicht von allen anderen Usern erwarten, dass sie jedes Posting selber übersetzen.

    Viele Grüße
    (Sachkundiger für Campinggasanlagen)

  • It was not intentional, an extension on my computer was performing the language conversion without my realizing it, I apologize for that. And no, I don't speak English fluently, I understand many things but I can't say that I have mastered the language. I hope you understand what happened.

  • hi, welcome here. i feel sorry, that our welcoming was not so kind. i think the most memberes here are speaking/writing english very well. things happens an everything is fine :)

    is the truck in your avatar, the truck you will build your home on it?

    for two years ago, here was an other member from south america. if i remember right, i mean from paraguay. but he has left, because here was a realy big dispute about corona.

    That's why everyone insists on following the rules at the moment.

    maybe you can and will to tell us from your plans? or you have some questions?

  • Welcome Ataide,

    I guess also english would be not the a problem.

    Welcome here.

    I´ve seen some Youtube´s from brazilian RV´s and some had really nice feature you don´t see in Europe.


    Thorsten, who is actually living in Thailand, but plan to go back to Europe soon

Jetzt mitmachen!

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