UNIMOG 1300L / 435 -- Sourcing vehicle & parts

  • Hi everyone,

    My apologies if I don´t write german on this board..but there are no other equivalent elsewhere on the web (idem for bushtaxi.de)

    I am looking at purchasing a U1300L/435 from the BW to import it into Switzerland. This is to be transformed into a expedition vehicle to go with my HZJ78.

    Would someone be kind enough to recommend some sources where I could purchase such vehicle. I am not planning to buy direct from the BW but go through individuals or dealers.

    1) I know inter-commerz and Aigner. What do you think of them ?? Other dealers you could recommend ?

    2) Also what´s the going rate for purchasing a U1300L. I have been quoted all sorts of prices (15-25 KEuros)

    3) Things to look for when buying the truck - I don´t know how well these trucks were looked after in the BW. Low mileage is not a good indicator

    4) Mechanical transformations so of you may have done (longer axle ratio....)


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